
The most asked question

The simple answer is paintball is as safe as you and the paintball company you are playing with make it. When playing with a highly professional provider like Delta Force, paintball is an extremely safe sport.

100% Safety Record!

Delta Force has invested large amounts of time and finances to develop a comprehensive, state-of-the-art head protection system which is provided free for every player. Each centre manager delivers a fully structured game day to ensure your paintballing adventure with us safe and enjoyable.

Our 100% safety record is one we stringently and proudly maintain. Your safety is our paramount concern. We take every reasonable step to protect the safety of all players whilst maximising enjoyment of the game.

How we achieve this

Delta Force implements several precautions at every paintball centre:

  • Goggle check. Marshals will check all players to ensure their goggles fit correctly before entering a game zone.
  • Safe retreat. The base camp fully enclosed with high netting to protect against stray shots hence it is the safe zone throughout the event.
  • No guns. We do not allow paintball guns in the base camp at any point during the day.
  • No headgear, no play. It is strictly prohibited to lift or remove the goggles when out in the game zone. The comprehensive safety briefing covers this rule clearly. Players will be excluded from play if they lift or remove their goggles in the game zones. This infringement will likely prevent the offending player from joining in the games for the rest of the day. We will not allow risk to the safety of any player.
  • Trained Marshals. Our paintball marshals receive ongoing training and are regularly assessed by senior staff.
  • Safety briefing. All players are given an in-depth, pre-game safety briefing which adheres to Health & Safety rules and regulations.
  • Head shots. At Delta Force we do not count any paintball shot to the head as a hit. This rule is in place to discourage players from shooting at the head deliberately.
Safe paintball at Delta Force

Health and safety standards

We have perfected our safety standards over many years without compromising the thrilling nature of the paintball experience. These practices are so well documented and effective that as a result environmental health officers in the past have used our safety policies as a model against which to judge other paintball centres. High praise indeed!

The Delta Force US-spec full head goggle protection system issued to all players incorporates a BS compliant lens technology (as well as ear, temple and crown of head protection). The paintball goggles are the most important piece of paintball equipment as they protect you from any potentially painful head shots.

Our practices adhere to detailed health and safety risk assessments to ensure a safe environment for players. We can provide copies of these risk assessments upon request.

Delta Force managers and senior staff hold current first aid qualifications from civil and, in some cases, defence force institutions. How safe is paintball? With us, it’s 100% safe!

Still unsure? You can give one of our expert event coordinators a call on 1800 568 8909 or chat to us online.